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What are Teams?

Teams are an easy way to share and collaborate on comment banks with your peers.

How do I Make a Team?

Start by clicking the Team button at the top of the page. Create a new team by clicking on the new button, and giving the team a name. The other items when creating a team are optional.

Inviting Team Members

Inviting Via Email

You can invite a colleague to join your team with the email address they used when they registered for The Comment Generator. On the team page, click the "Add Team Member" button. Enter their email, and select which role you would like them to have in your team. Read more about roles below.

Invite Via Link

You can also invite team members by giving them a link. On the team page, click the "Get Invitation Link" button. Team members who join through this link will automatically be assigned the role of collaborator. Inviting via link is slightly less secure, as invited members can also share the link with others.

Team Roles

Each team member will have one of four roles, which determines what they can do within the team.

  • Viewers can see the team's comment banks and members. They can also use those comment banks to generate reports. They are not able to contribute comment banks or modify comment banks.
  • Contributors have the permissions of viewers, but can also add new comment banks to the team. In addition, contributors can edit comment banks, including ones they did not create.
  • Admins have the permissions of contributors, but can also add, remove or change the role of team members.
  • Owners are normally the person who created the team. They are the only ones who can disband (delete) the team.

Collaborating on Comment Banks

To start collaboration on a comment bank one team member needs to start by creating a comment bank, or selecting one they already have created. On the team page, that person then clicks the "Share Comment Bank" button, or clicks on the "Start Collaborating" item on the comment bank menu. Once a comment bank has been shared, other team members will now be able to see it and edit it if they have the collaborator role or higher.

Note: Once you have started collaborating on a comment bank, other members of your team will be able to edit it. Only you will be able to delete it, however, others can change all of the comments in the bank. Make sure to make a copy of your comment bank before sharing it if you would like to preserve the original.

While every member of a team can edit a comment bank within a team, it is not recommended to edit them at the same time as each other. Only the latest edits will be saved.

Removing Comment Banks from a Team

A member can stop collaborating on a comment bank that they have shared with a team by clicking on the comment bank menu, and clicking the "Stop Collaborating" item. At this point, no team member will be able to see, use or edit that comment bank.

Removing a Team Member

Team members that have the admin or owner role can remove other team members. In order to do so, they will need to open the team member tab on the team page, and then click the "Remove" button.

Removing a member will cut off their access to all of the comment banks shared by the team. In addition, any comment banks that member shared will no longer be accessible by the team.

Disbanding (Deleting) a Team

Only the owner can disband a team. Before doing so, they will need to remove all team members other than themself. Once they have done that, they can click the "Disband Team" button to remove themself from the team as well.